Barry Bredenkamp is a ‘struggle veteran’ in the energy efficiency revolution, having started work in this area in 1996, when South Africa had amongst the cheapest electricity tariffs in the world and surplus electricity generating capacity!
Barry is currently a Senior Manager at the South African National Energy Development Institute (SANEDI), responsible for energy efficiency and the Centre for Energy Systems Analysis and Research, (CESAR).
Barry previously worked in the distribution, customer service, marketing and Demand Side Management (DSM) areas of the national electricity utility in South Africa (Eskom), for a period of 27 years and was seconded from the utility, to establish and head-up the new National Energy Efficiency Agency in South Africa in 2006.
Barry has experience in energy efficiency and renewable energy in a developing country context, and was instrumental in implementing the highly successful GEF/ ELI program in South Africa. His past and current tasks include DSM program design and implementation and various energy efficiency programs in both the private and public sector. He is a past President of the South African Sustainable Energy Society of Southern Africa (SESSA), a member of the Public Relations Committee of the Illumination Engineering Society of South Africa (IESSA), and has published and presented papers in various local and international journals and conferences over the past decade.