Daniela Thrän studied environmental engineering at the University of Berlin and completed her doctorate at Bauhaus University Weimar. As a scientist, she researches how biomass can be produced and used as sustainably as possible. Since 2008 she has been the head of the “Bioenergy Systems” department at the DBFZ in Leipzig. Since 2011, she has headed the Bioenergy Department at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) in Leipzig and has since held the professorship for Bioenergy Systems at the University of Leipzig. She contributes her expertise on the sustainable use and production of biomass to numerous committees and is co-chair of the German Bioeconomy Council. Professor Thrän leads research projects in the field of bioenergy, bioeconomy and the spatial impact of renewable energies and has developed the “Smart Bioenergy” approach, which focuses on technologies and concepts for more flexible bioenergy provision in future energy systems.
• Bioenergy’s contribution to low-carbon energy systems